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use ::core::{marker::PhantomData, mem::forget};
use crate::unique::{Singleton, Unique};
/// A "ghost" reference that is guaranteed to be zero-sized and obey borrowing
/// and ownership semantics
pub struct GhostRef<T>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Clone> Clone for GhostRef<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<T: Copy> Copy for GhostRef<T> {}
impl<T> GhostRef<T> {
/// Returns a new `GhostRef` from the given value.
/// Note that the given value will be leaked forever. Leaking types that
/// have a meaningful `Drop` implementation can cause system resources to
/// leak.
pub fn leak(value: T) -> Self {
// SAFETY: Because `GhostRef` can only be constructed by leaking a `T`, and `T`
// is guaranteed to be `Unique`, the `GhostRef` is also `Unique`.
unsafe impl<T: Unique> Unique for GhostRef<T> {}
// SAFETY: Because `GhostRef` can only be constructed by leaking a `T`, and `T`
// is guaranteed to be a `Singleton`, the `GhostRef` is also a `Singleton`.
unsafe impl<T: Singleton> Singleton for GhostRef<T> {}